Perkawinan • Aulia Izzatunisa

Dear muslimin & muslimat, dalam sebuah perkahwinan perlu ada ilmu. Ilmu agama untuk mendidik anak anak. Anak kita kenal huruf A for Apple tapi kita lupa mengenalkan kepada anak kita yang huruf A untuk Allah.

The responsibility of the man is to make sure that the woman is taken care of properly;to put her needs before his and to treat her with utmost compassion even in rough times. When her father hands her to the man,the man carries the father's trust. It is a promise to love and to nurture,to lead and support. A MAN IS ONLY AS GOOD AS HIS WORDS;IF HIS WORDS ARE EMPTY,HE IS EMPTY.

The sacrife of the woman is to put her full trust on the man of her choosing,and to put him above the man in her own family.. The woman leaves her family to build her own,with the man of her choosing. She stands by his side and builds their home brick by brick,using the blueprint taught to her by her father and her mother.

Setelah 'SAYA TERIMA' saya terima hanya satu ungkapan. Satu permulaan untuk sebuah perjalanan yang sangat panjang dan banyak halangan. Satu episod baru dalam sebuah kehidupan seorang suami dan isteri. It is the beginning of many ups and downs.

Perkahwinan adalah sebuah tanggungjawab seorang suami dan sebuah pengorbanan seorang isteri.




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